It’s All About the Kids..and Snacks

Are my kids the only ones who ask for a different sweet after they’ve had one?! I always offer fruit or real ‘food’ if they’re still hungry…and without fail, there is pushback. It’s amazing the tantrums that follow. As you can imagine I am still trying to find some healthy treats for the kids to eat.  ThisContinue reading “It’s All About the Kids..and Snacks”

Mini Cheesecake for Fall

Fall is finally here! It is definitely one of my favorite seasons, the smell of crisp air, the leaves changing colors, and lets not forget about the Pumpkins! Fall is a time where my leggings, boots and long tunics come out of the closet, ahhh.. pure bliss. So lets get back to pumpkins… most peopleContinue reading “Mini Cheesecake for Fall”

If You Give Your Husband a Cookie….

What will he ask for next? Wait no, that’s not where I was going… You see, my kids are in love with the “If you give a mouse a cookie” show on Primekids, so the intro is ALWAYS stuck in my head. I have talked about my kids quite a bit, but now it’s myContinue reading “If You Give Your Husband a Cookie….”